The Lazy Girl’s Way To Fast Hair Growth

Get ready to find out the one way you can grow your hair without wasting time and putting in too much effort. I just found out, and I can’t wait to share it with you!

First of all, why is your hair not growing fast?
Have you ever felt like your hair growth was utterly stagnant? Like no matter the number of hair masks you put on and nourishing foods you eat, the inches just aren’t adding up? Here are some reasons why:

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Hey everyone!!

How are you all doing?

I hope you’ve been staying safe during this Covid period?

Today, we’ll be talking about something that can help just any kind of adult out there!

As work resumes with full force, many people may get overwhelmed with the work load to be done

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5 Things To Do To Make Your 2019 Awesome!!!

Hey everyone!!!.

It’s been a veryyyyyyyyy long minute, thanks to the busy-ness of life!!!…lol.


It’s weird wishing you ”happy new year” by this time but the year is still new, isn’t it? (winks).

I wasn’t on a blog detox this time around though…lol…but I’m sure I missed out on so many things…I really did. I hope you all missed me sha..

If you are wondering why there are no 2018 posts, those ones went off and could no longer be retrieved (story for another day).

So, let’s leave all my ranting and move to today’s topic!!!.

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My Trip To Dakingari…It’s Been 6 Long Months Already!

Buckets clashing, voices murmuring, roommates chattering, hostel busy
It was dark and the time was 2:05am. Enele opened her eyes to the last day of camp in Dakingari.
It had been 3 weeks already and everybody was eager to go back home including the soldiers.

Waking up by 2am was Continue reading